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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/15/24 Evidence of the Resurrection (Part 2) Matthew Watson Sermon N/A Sun AM Evidence_of_the_Resurrection-1734318070.pdf 12-15-24_Evidence_of_the_Resurrection_Part_2_-_Matt_Watson.mp3
12/15/24 Evidence of the Resurrection (Part 1) Matthew Watson Sermon N/A Sun AM Evidence_of_the_Resurrection.pdf 12-15-24_Evidence_of_the_Resurrection_Part_1_-_Matt_Watson.mp3
12/08/24 One Thing You Lack - Mat 19:20 Brandon Nichols Sermon N/A Sun AM One_Thing_You_Lack.pdf 12-8-24_One_Thing_You_Lack_-_Brandon_Nichols.mp3
12/08/24 Total Depravity - TULIP Calvinism Brandon Nichols Sermon N/A Sun AM Total_Depravity.pdf 12-8-24_Total_Depravity_-_Brandon_Nichols.mp3
12/04/24 7 Deadly Sins - Wrath Andrew Garcia Sermon N/A Sun AM 12-04-2024_Invitation-Wrath.m4a
12/01/24 Infirmities of the Body of Christ Ken Kalies Sermon N/A Sun AM Infirmities_of_the_Body_of_Christ_12-1-24.pdf 12-1-24_Infirmities_of_the_Body_of_Christ_-_Ken_Kalies.mp3
11/24/24 Build Your Life on Jesus - Mat 7:24 Brandon Nichols Sermon N/A Sun AM 11-24-24_Build_Your_Life_on_Jesus_-_Brandon_Nichols.mp3
11/24/24 Intro to TULIP, Calvinism vs Arminianism Brandon Nichols Sermon N/A Sun AM 11-24-24_Intro_to_T.U.L.I.P._-_Brandon_Nichols.mp3
11/17/24 Sarah or Hagar Ken Kalies Sermon N/A Sun AM Sarah_or_Hagar_11-17-24.pdf 11-17-24_Sarah_or_Hagar_-_Ken_Kalies.mp3
11/10/24 Risk, Sacrifice, Faithfulness Ken Kalies Sermon N/A Sun AM Risk_Sacrifice_Faithfulness_11-10-24.pdf 11-10-24_Risk_Sacrifice_Faithfulness_-_Ken_Kalies.mp3
11/03/24 Matthew 6 Ken Kalies Sermon N/A Sun AM 11-3-24_Matthew_6_-_Ken_Kalies.mp3 Mat_6_Nov_3_2024.pdf
10/27/24 Distractions Ken Kalies Sermon N/A Sun AM Distractions_-_pleasant_and_unpleasant_10-27-24.pdf 10-27-24_Distractions_-_Ken_Kalies.mp3
10/20/24 Overcoming Temptation Andrew Garcia Sermon N/A Sun AM 10-20-24_Overcoming_Temptation_-_Andrew_Garcia.mp3
10/20/24 Why Does Wickedness and Suffering Exist? Zachary Johnson Sermon N/A Sun AM 10-20-24_Why_Does_Wickedness_and_Suffering_Exist_-_Zachary_Johnson.mp3
10/20/24 Changes Of The Heart Ken Kalies Sermon N/A Sun AM Changes_-_10-20-24.pdf
10/06/24 Special vs. General Theory of Evolution (There is no God) Ken Kalies Sermon N/A Sun AM Evolution_-_There_is_no_God_10-6-24.pdf 10-6-24_Special_vs._General_Theory_of_Evolution_-_Ken_Kalies.mp3
10/02/24 Relationships Andrew Garcia Sermon N/A Sun AM 10-02-2024_Invitation-Relationships.m4a
09/29/24 Do Not Be Afraid Pat Frazier Sermon N/A Sun AM 9-29-24_Do_Not_Be_Afraid_-_Pat_Frazier.mp3
09/29/24 Your First Love - Rev 2:4 Pat Frazier Sermon N/A Sun AM 9-29-24_Your_First_Love_-_Pat_Frazier.mp3
09/25/24 Mandatory? Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun AM
09/22/24 The Infallibility and Reliability of the Bible Matt Watson Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Infallibility_and_Reliability_of_the_Bible_2.pdf 9-22-24_The_Infallibility_and_Reliability_of_the_Bible_Part_2_-_Matt_Watson.mp3 9-22-24_The_Infallibility_and_Reliability_of_the_Bible_Part_1_-_Matt_Watson.mp3
09/15/24 Is There A God? Ken Kalies Sermon N/A Sun AM Evolution_-_Is_there_a_God_9-15-24.pdf 9-15-24_Is_There_a_God_Part_2_-_Ken_Kalies.mp3 9-15-24_Is_There_a_God_Part_1_-_Ken_Kalies.mp3
09/11/24 Comparisons Andrew Garcia Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study 09-11-2024_Invitation-Comparisons.m4a
09/08/24 The Devil Is Not Your Friend Brandon Nichols Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Devil_Is_Not_Your_Friend_PDF.pdf
09/08/24 The Devil Is Not Your Friend Brandon Nichols Sermon N/A Sun AM 9-8-24_The_Devil_Is_Not_Your_Friend_-_Brandon_Nichols.mp3

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